Monday, November 24, 2008

Blogs can change lives!

You all know how a few posts ago I entered "C" (Coleman Larson) into the Blogs Can Change Lives contest to win a PSP for ill or frequently hospitalized children. Well guess what .... my blog entry was one of the 10 selected and Coleman is going to be the recipient of a PSP bundle!! YAY!!!! I am so excited!
Now, I said if I won the contest I would raise enough money to buy Coleman's twin brother Caden a PSP also ... so they can play each other during those long hospital visits, plane rides and trips to the doctors that I'm sure are a part of "everyday" life for them. Please let me know if you'd consider a donation ... I'm so excited I won the game for Coleman, I'd love to just go out and buy the PSP right now to send for Caden but.....I'm going to have to raise the money (or at least some of it)......since we do have 5 kids of our own. (Smile!!)
Here's the latest update on Coleman, from his CarePage today:
I do have some sad news to report…and it breaks my heart to type this, but Coleman can no longer walk...not even across the room. We have been carrying him to the bathroom, to the tub, to the table, etc. He’s not a bit happy about it, and with the steroids he lets us know it! I try to make him hold my hands and get around, but he’s not having ANY of that, and says if I make him, then “NO HUGS FOR YOU MOMMY!” He’s just afraid to fall, and his balance just isn’t there. It’s tough to watch, especially when I know it makes him angry and I’m sure scared. With the steroids he goes from giggles to tears to anger all within a couple of minutes sometimes, but I think about how I’d feel if all of the sudden I couldn’t get around and I can’t say I wouldn’t have all the same feelings.
She also posted this about Caden: Then there’s the other half…Caden… who’s been worried about Coleman. He wants us to pray over him…as he says, “don’t touch him, juss put your hann over him and wepeat after me… “PWEEZE GOD… PWEEZE MAKE MY BRUVER ALL BETTER! Ann fank you for wuvin EV-wee-body in the world. Amen.”I’m so proud of Caden and my heart breaks for him at the same time. He’s been extra bouncy, if you can imagine that, but I think a lot of it has to do with nerves.
Anyway, I wanted to share the news on the contest. Thanks to for having this awesome contest, and huge thanks to Sony for doing such a generous thing!!



Anonymous said...

awesome blog!!!

you can add my link to Colemans Prayer anywhere you want to your blog..

keep up the good work Rachel.

Darryl Markette

Amanda Miyata said...

Wow, that's great! (the psp part..=( )