Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Zachy!

This post is dedicated to Zach ... who officially is 4 years old! (Well, not officially - he won't be until about 630 tonight) but here's a collection of photos from when he was born, through the current days.

Things are sure different today than that night I had you ... but one thing that will never, ever change is how much I love you! You are a royal terror most of the time (And don't worry..I'm looking forward to telling you all about it, I've already put the mother's curse in for my revenge) but I truly love you to pieces. You are the cutest thing and the things you say out of the clear blue make me melt inside! I don't know what I'd do with out you, buddy! I'm very proud of how good you're doing in school and're an ALL STAR! Happy FOURTH birthday, Zachy! xoxoxoxoxoxox

Love you lots...


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1 comment:

Yurkus Gang said...

Zach is getting so big; this was really neat what you did !!!! Happy Birthday Zach