Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And….we have a Kindergartner!

Well, I don’t know if “Kindergartner” is actually a word … but my little, tiny, 4 lbs., preemie baby got on the school bus headed for his first day of Kindergarten yesterday.

It wasn’t exactly the “first morning of school” I had planned – we overslept (it was pouring and dark … which means the kids who are light affected didn’t wake up at the crack of dawn) … Zach had EXACTLY 10 minutes to get out of bed, brush his teeth (you know I don’t even think we did that!), get dressed, I threw his breakfast in his backpack (they get 15 minutes in the cafeteria before school starts to have snacks/breakfast, etc.) and we ran out the door.  In the pouring rain.  With only 2 umbrellas.  And a camera that kept fogging up.  (Can you say ARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!)

The kids lined up for the bus and as soon as it came, Zach ran across the street and hardly looked back.  Big change from last year where he cried and clung not wanting to go into his preschool class!  I didn’t even have time to cry it was so much chaos going on!!! 

But now, as I’m sitting here thinking about how fast the last 5 years has gone, and having went back and looked at all his newborn pictures to try to remember my BABY … I feel a little sad.  He’s a big boy now – I don’t know when that happened!   

This just 5 years ago …..

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To this…

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And then a few more from today, which was a little better weather wise …. (Notice the Spiderman act – tying to climb up the light pole while waiting for his bus!!)

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Again, he ran across and never looked back.  Now if I could just get a detail or two out of him about what he DID during his first two days of school – other than “I don’t remember” …. that would be really great!

His teacher gave us this poem on the “orientation day” and I thought it was so sweet … and sad! :(

He started school this morning,
And he seemed so very small.
As I walked there beside him
in the Kindergarten hall.

And as he took his place beside
the others in the class,
I realized how all too soon
those first few years can pass.

Remembering, I saw him as
he first learned how to walk,
The words that we alone made out
when he began to talk.

This little boy so much absorbed
in learning how to write.
It seems as though he must have grown
to boyhood overnight.

My eyes were blurred but hastily
I brushed the tears away
best by some word or sign of mine
I mar his first big day.

Oh how I longed to stay with him
and keep him by the hand
to lead him through the places
that he couldn't understand.

And something closely kin to fear
was mingled with my pride.
I knew he would no longer be
a baby by my side.

But he must have his chance to live,
to work his problems out,
the privilege to grow and learn
what life is all about.

And I must share my little boy
with friends and work and play;

He's not a baby anymore --
He's in Kindergarten today

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