Monday, October 22, 2007

DNA is on the WAY....

Just wanted to let everyone know that we've officially sent the girls DNA in to a lab in Salt Lake City. It was really simple - basically a q-tip looking thing rubbed on the inside of their cheek. We should know in approximately one week whether they're identical or not. Sam doesn't care one way or the other, and I don't "care" necessarily whether they are or aren't, but I hate not KNOWING. To put it in perspective, I'm the kid who unwrapped her Christmas presents when her parents were out......and then re-wrapped them before they got home!!!

It is actually very good MEDICALLY to know for sure (this is my reasoning with Sam, though he knows me better). Here's something I cut out of an article I recently read (Because monozygotic twins have the same genetic code, they may be able to help each other in extreme medical circumstances. Usually, identical twins have the same blood type so they could share blood in emergencies. In the event of organ transplantation, identical twins would have the best chance for organ acceptance.) I've also read that identical twins are likely to have the same "congenital" diseases - such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Clearly the chances of these events are slim ... but you never know.

I'll keep you all posted in the next week or so!

Hope everyone is doing well!



TheAkersFam said...

I'm so excited to know. I am voting for "yes, identical". :)

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