Friday, September 21, 2007

ZACH.....HE'S 3!

Well, little peanut is turning three tomorrow (9/22). He's not such a peanut anymore, though! It seems like just yesterday I was at the perinatologist office with my mom, and the doctor telling me that the baby needed to be delivered TODAY (almost 6 weeks early) because he wasn't growing (failure to thrive). I remember calling Sam at work saying "this is it, me at the hospital!" .... and now he's THREE. I just can't believe it. I never really realized how fast time really does go by ... but now that I have kids, it is simply amazing how quickly it goes. Before I know it we'll be taking him to soccer practice (spring), pre-school (fall) .... I don't even want to think what's after that!! He's growing up too fast on me!

Here was the picture we used for his birth announcement. He was the tiniest baby I've ever seen/held. His skin literally bunched around his bones....but he was a strong little baby and he grew into a little bubba...although he's back to looking like a string bean now.

Feel like taking a trip down memory lane? (It's the first on the picture of his foot and when the next screen comes up, press the play button!)

Even though my little baby has turned into a raving lunatic lately, I wouldn't trade him for the world. Even when he talks back (new thing), fibs (new thing), hits his sisters (not so new), screams (definitely not new) ... I still can't imagine my life without him!

We're having his birthday party next weekend.... CARS, of course. I wanted to do pirates because he loves acting like a pirate (plus Farm Fresh had a really cute cake!) but in the end, we decided to go with what HE'S into, which is CARS. Tomorrow, we're taking him to Red Robin for lunch (his favorite place to eat) and maybe give him a small present to open (just 'cause he's my baby!!)

You all have a great weekend! I'll give Zach lots of hugs & kisses from everyone, and I'll give him 3 birthday spankings from you all too! (heehee!)

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